Our phone service is out, so we are without internet. I am posting from the Library across the driveway from our local Post Office. There are 4 Post Offices within an 8 mile radius of our house. Two of them are in CT. I have been bringing so many boxes to ship quilts for the 100 Quilts for Kids drive that today when I stopped by with 2 more boxes; they told me they loved me. I guess things are as bad for the Postal Service as you hear on the nightly news. In the 21 years that I have lived in this area, I have used the various offices depending on what errands I had to run afterwards. None of the offices are convenient. Actually, nothing is convenient to where we live. Over time, I have found myself using the other 3 offices rather than the one for our town. With the reception I have been receiving lately, I guess it's time to become more loyal to our town Post Office.
Two of the quilts I mailed were for
Wrap Them In Love The mission of WTIL is to collect donated quilts and distribute them to children in the United States as well as around the world, so they can be wrapped in love and comfort. Many of the children are in orphanages awaiting placement in loving homes. Some of the quilts are sent to areas experiencing natural disasters or extreme poverty. With the economy in trouble, they are receiving more requests to provide quilts to children needing warmth this winter. Although the 2 quilts were made last summer, I never got around to mailing them. The 100 Quilts for Kids drive was a real wakeup call for me to get motivated and send any quilts already finished out to the world where they can be used.

This quilt went to
The Basics, Inc in the South Bronx. I mailed 3 quilts to them in September. Victoria at Bumble Beans is trying to collect 250 more quilts for this group by Thanksgiving. If you have a quilt looking for a home this is a great place to send it. They help homeless families get into permanent housing.
I included another quilt in the box with this one, but was unable to down load it to the blog from the Library. It uses the Storytime pattern for the 100 Kids Quilt Along with mottled blue sashing and insect print squares. If we get internet service back later today, I will post that one too. I am so happy that the project was a success and the numbers of quilts donated far exceeded the goal of 100.