
Saturday, August 7, 2021

A Good Beginning

 The weather this week ranged from cool and rainy, to very hot and sunny.  

The sunny days were perfect for taking pictures of the day lilies in our garden.

This variety is called Minaret.  Although, the blooms are not as large or showy as some of our other lilies, they bloom later than many other varieties.  They also produce numerous flowers on tall, thin stalks.  They hover over the other plants and sway as if they are floating in the slightest breeze.

I am 5'7", the flower on the tallest stalk reaches my nose.  The name of the purple beauty below has been lost over the years.  It's even prettier in person.

I used the rainy days to get some piecing done. My One Monthly Goal for August is to complete a Halloween table topper.  I found a pattern at The Cloth Parcel.  I finished the three blocks that are needed and have lots of three inch squares leftover.  I might add another block to make the table runner longer.

 I sewed blocks for a baby quilt the last week of July.  This week, I put them together and finished the top.  It's 41.5 inches square.  When it's quilted, it will be donated to the Little Lambs Foundation for Kids

The absolute last thing I thought I would be sewing at this point in the year is a mask.  Unfortunately, the Delta strain of the Covid 19 virus is becoming an issue in our county.  Cases have gone from a low of about 30 per day in July to about 300 per day now and are continuing to increase.   We live near the ocean and our town is a  popular vacation destination.  Even though our family is vaccinated, we are being cautious.  No one in my family likes wearing the disposable masks.   My daughter requested a new Pikachu mask and I will probably have to make a few new masks for the rest of the family.

I've been playing with some red, white, and blue scraps.  

This week, I'll use them to make two more plus sign placemats to match the two I made in July.  I'll also add the sashing between the blocks and the border for the Pumpkin table runner.

I'm finding that setting small goals each week works best for me. I can make progress on projects if I set aside a short amount of time each day.  Even though I'm not making a huge dent in my stash, I'm moving forward.
I'm linking up with Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict and Alycia Quilts for Finished or Not Friday.  I always find lots of inspiration checking out the work of the other quilters who link up.


  1. Your lillies are beautiful. We have some really tall ones also. I wish they did better when they are cut and brought in the house. Having a goals list works for me. Some weeks I get through the every thing quickly and then I pull out older projects are work on more blocks. If I forget my goals I can always look them up to stay focused. Your quilt projects are cute. I really like the baby quilt — it looks like a good way to use up 2.5” squares.

  2. What adorable pumpkin blocks!! this will be a fun one!

  3. You pumpkins are coming along nicely. Cute mask fabric. We might as well smile under our masks. I can see myself wearing one for a long this rate. Love the pretty pink quilt in progress. It will be a lovely finish!!!

  4. I love Day Lillies. We have three different varities (no clue what the names are). I've been making masks again, too. I'm tired of masks.

  5. I really appreciate your professional approach.These are pieces of very useful information that will be of great use for me in future.

  6. I loved your day lily parade! Those must have been around for years - the best kind. We just moved into our house last year, so I need to get some started here. LOVE your pumpkin table runner! That baby quilt to be donated is so pretty.
    Thanks for commenting on my blog. I read your profile, and I'm so much like you described yourself. So often I do more reading and dreaming than actual projects - lol!

  7. I really appreciate your professional approach.These are pieces of very useful information that will be of great use for me in future.
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